The work consisted of inspecting the structure , mechanical components and evaluating the load-bearing capacity of the bridge. Following the inspections, we identified the work needed to be done as a priority and produced the drawing and technical specifications to repair the mechanical and the structural section in compliance with the current seismic standards (S6-06) and the CNB.

  • Complete inspection of the mechanical components of the bridge, the electrical system and the structure;
  • Complete analysis of the foundations, the tower, the mechanics and the pivots;
  • Detailed Gear inspection;
  • Characterization of the concrete substructure of the tower and the mechanical section;
  • Bridge load capacity assessment;
  • Evaluation of bridge design loads;
  • Analysis of the modifications needed to bring the bridge up to modern standards (wind, earthquake);
  • Modification of the current mechanics and replacement of the transmission shafts for a direct motorization on each rack of both sides of the bridge;
  • Modification of the control and power system;
  • Modification / repair of the base support tower;
  • Modification to the bridge locking device system;
  • Site supervision;
  • Sub-contractor supervision.

Due to space limitations to bring a crane of sufficient capacity on site, a method of moving the doors on rails was developed at GENIFAB to allow the replacement of the ball joints.

  • Doors of 75 tons each
  • Work done in winter period

Project name

Bassin Louise weighbridge refurbishment



Administration Portuaire de Québec



Port de Québec


